To me, this is the future. It's a little scary but it's incredible.
Google Now has changed how I view my email and search. I'm actually wanting to give it more information so that Google provides me with more of everything.
Let me step back for a minute and explain Google Now.
From Google's site:
Google Now gets you just the right information at just the right time.
It tells you today’s weather before you start your day, how much traffic to expect before you leave for work, when the next train will arrive as you’re standing on the platform, or your favorite team's score while they’re playing. And the best part? All of this happens automatically. Cards appear throughout the day at the moment you need them.
I bought a Nexus 4 just so I could have this functionality. It tells me when UPS has delivered a package to my home, it tells me when I should leave for an appointment and factors in traffic. It's the future we were promised when Palm launched the PRE.
This is a huge differentiator between Apple and Google. Siri can't compete with this because this displays relevant information without me asking it. Consider Google Now "pre-search".
Google has done an excellent job with Google Now. This is the future, now.
Google Now has changed how I view my email and search. I'm actually wanting to give it more information so that Google provides me with more of everything.
Let me step back for a minute and explain Google Now.
From Google's site:
Google Now gets you just the right information at just the right time.
It tells you today’s weather before you start your day, how much traffic to expect before you leave for work, when the next train will arrive as you’re standing on the platform, or your favorite team's score while they’re playing. And the best part? All of this happens automatically. Cards appear throughout the day at the moment you need them.
I bought a Nexus 4 just so I could have this functionality. It tells me when UPS has delivered a package to my home, it tells me when I should leave for an appointment and factors in traffic. It's the future we were promised when Palm launched the PRE.
This is a huge differentiator between Apple and Google. Siri can't compete with this because this displays relevant information without me asking it. Consider Google Now "pre-search".
Google has done an excellent job with Google Now. This is the future, now.